Making A DifferenceMaking A Difference

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Making A Difference

After struggling for years to find a way to give back to my community, I started thinking about the incredible number of people who worked in the industrial field. I knew that a lot of people had trouble staying safe while they were at work, so I began talking with different people to see how they thought the industry could change. It was incredible to gather up all of the information and share it with the companies that could really make a difference, and now I honestly feel like I have made some big changes. Check out this blog for great information on making a difference in the industrial field.

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Why You Should Upgrade Your Train Transportation To Use A Third Rail

Does your company manage a railroad line that it uses to transport goods or materials? Is your current setup aging and you are looking for replacement options? Even if you don't need a replacement, it might be worth looking into the benefits of adding a third rail setup to your current train line. Here's what a third rail is and how it might benefit your business or your local community.

Third Rail Offers Electric Power

Contacting a third rail train equipment manufacturer may give you the means to install electric power along your cargo line. Your current trains can be outfitted to make use of this electric power instead of continuing to use diesel. Being able to switch to electric power brings multiple benefits to your company.

Lower Energy Consumption

When you use electric power to transport your cargo instead of diesel fuel, you will be using less energy. You will also be saving your company a lot of money because a third rail option that enables electrification for your transport needs will be less expensive over time than what you are paying for diesel fuel.

Cleaner for the Environment

When you switch to electric power instead of continuing to use diesel for your transport needs, your company will be putting out less pollution into the local environment. If you play your cards right, you might even be able to get a grant or some kind of financial incentive from the town you operate out of in order to pay for the third rail equipment you'll be purchasing in the near future. Even without financial help, your business stands to gain positive publicity and public goodwill from making this switch. Once the third rail setup is fully in place, you can run local advertising to let everyone along the rail know that your company is no longer sending out emissions from diesel fuel into the air.

Less Noise Pollution

When in operation, a third rail that uses electric power to run the train will also create a lot less noise than a train that runs on fuel. If there are any residential areas near the line that have complained over the years about the noise, it's possible making this switch will once again lead to positive press and feedback from the local community. Reach out to a third rail train equipment manufacturer for more info or to start discussing how your company will make the switch to electric power.