Making A DifferenceMaking A Difference

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Making A Difference

After struggling for years to find a way to give back to my community, I started thinking about the incredible number of people who worked in the industrial field. I knew that a lot of people had trouble staying safe while they were at work, so I began talking with different people to see how they thought the industry could change. It was incredible to gather up all of the information and share it with the companies that could really make a difference, and now I honestly feel like I have made some big changes. Check out this blog for great information on making a difference in the industrial field.

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3 Things That Powder Coating Can Prevent

You might already be aware of some of the benefits of powder coating, such as the fact that it's easier and more affordable to apply than paint. However, you might not be aware of all of the benefits of powder coating. You might just think of it as something that makes metal items look nice, but powder coating doesn't just look good; it also provides protection for various items that are made out of metal. These are some of the types of damage that powder coating can help prevent when it's used as a finishing product on metal items.

1. Rust

One thing that is a major enemy to metal is rust. Even though rust can sometimes be removed with sandpaper if it's caught early, you can often expect for items that are made out of metal to deteriorate quickly once they become even a little bit rusty. Instead of worrying about how to get rid of rust once it forms, it's better to think about how you can prevent it from forming on metal items in the first place. By protecting items with a powder coating, you can help prevent rust before it even starts.

2. Scratches

Some metals are more prone to scratching than others, but just about any metal can become scratched if it comes in contact with something that is hard enough. Adding powder coating to metal items helps protect these items from scratches since there is a barrier of protection in-between the metal itself and any items that it comes in contact with. Also, luckily, even though powder coating can scratch, it's less prone to scratching than some other finishing products, too.

3. Chips

Since paint does offer some of the same benefits that powder coating offers, you could be wondering why it's often a more popular choice than paint. One good thing about powder coating is the fact that it is actually much less likely to chip than paint. Of course, paint often looks good when used on metal items and can help provide protection, but paint chips can become a problem. Then, once the paint starts chipping off, you have to worry about the metal surface not being fully protected. You also have to worry about the unsightliness of chipped paint and the extra work of removing and then reapplying it. Since powder coating is much less likely to chip than paint and lasts much longer overall in most cases, it's generally seen as the better choice.

To learn more, contact a company like Tri-State Fabricators Inc.